This is the view from my parents' house in Massa, Tuscany. Massais a town on the Tyrrhenian Coast, 80 miles west of Florence and 20 miles north of Pisa (the town of the leaning tower).

The mountains on the back are the Alpi Apuane (actually, they are a part of the Appennini range), which are famous for their marble quarries, especially for the white marble of Carrara(a nearby town), a pure and easy to work marble used often for statues. The white you see on the mountains is in fact marble, not snow (it doesn't really down there).

The trees you see in the front are olive trees, typical of central and southern Italy.




These are three views of my parents' garden. My mother is retired and spends a lot of time gardening.


This is the beach, with a typical bagno and the cabins (and again the mountains on the back). The picture was taken in the winter; in the summer the beach is full of umbrellas and people.